Bak bize gerek yok söze
Her bakış yüzünde ayrılık kokuyor
Kalbinde bir çölde aşk
Yangın da sönmüyor
Ardında korkular sinmiyor
Yaşlardan bir gölde aşk
Ömründen süzülmüyor
İçinde dinmiyor
Geri dönüş olsa kalp sana geri dönmez mi
Gidilen o yolda kaderi de yenmez mi
Gerçeği aşksa bir bakışa değmez mi
Yalanı da olsa yazısını silmez mi
Look at us, should not be any other words
Separation is smelt with every look at your face
Separation is smelt with every look at your face
In your heart there is a desert of love
its heat does not die away.
its heat does not die away.
Behind, fears begin to permeate
and create a lake of love from your tears.
and create a lake of love from your tears.
These never pass through life
and do not stop inside you
and do not stop inside you
If there is a way back, would have not my heart return to you?
or this way could be past, destiny would have not beaten it?
or this way could be past, destiny would have not beaten it?
If this love was true, would it have worth another look?
or if was not true, should it have be erased from your destiny?
or if was not true, should it have be erased from your destiny?
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