click on the link of the video : " the video will open on a new page" this is a hard song to translate :) that's why you cannot see english lyrics everywhere :) the lyrics has a lot "poetry" in it :) SAYGIMDAN (BEAUSE OF MY RESPECT) Eğdirmem başımı kimselere ama sana yerle bir oldum ( although i don’t let anyone to make me bow down (bow my head down), i was razed by you (your love)) Giderim, uzaklaşırım her zaman, ilk kez dönüp durdum (i always leave (or) walk away, for the first time i wheeled around) Ağladım, içime attım her şeyi, biriktirdim (i cried, i repressed and gathered up everything inside) Gecikmeli coştum taştım, bu yüzden de duruldum (i let myself go tardily , i overflowed tardily, i settled down because of this) Korkumdan bi kere bile seni aramadıysam (if i haven’t phoned you even once,its because of fear) Yönsüzüm sebebi bir yere konamadıysam (if i couldn’t perch once, it’s because i’ve lost my dir...